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Les commentaires : Grumer

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Panda >>> Well. Parts of the map.
Some of those with long names gives me trouble because of my problems with the language.
But the map is fun to play


Hey Panda !! Thanks
Well Im here and make a couple of attempts before bedtime


Good luck Moorea !
Also good luck to Kyz and Kopec in the other semifinal !


Thanks Panda and Moorea.
Good scores from you too.
Kapucine also done a great score.


Thanks LeeranerJung.
Now its time for bed.
Good luck.


Ok... Well I think I have the speed for it. And I also have the time ... But... Patience. Hmmm Well... Sometimes. If I really want something. I give everything to get it. But for this day / evening Im done here... The beers I been drinking have not made me faster or better in precision ...haha.
But Im sure we can do anyway a bit over 96 k... Then with a little bit of luck with the right citites !!! Who knows ?
If I get Barrie, Owen Sound , Collingwood, Lindsay and cities like that on the same game and I dont have to deal with Terrace for mention a city I dont like... Well then I believe in miricales


Hey LeeranerJung... Great score.
I believe Im also have a better score here compared to the english site
No there should be possible to learn all the cities here perfect.
I have between 5-10 cities that I dont like very much.
And if I can really learn the right spots in the Toronto area on each city there.... Then I would say its possible to reach easy over 96 k and maybe a lot more.


Good afternoon Challengers.
I wish all good luck in the this beautiful country.


Well stress is not the right word for it.
I thinking of some problems I had before at the end of the map.
And then I miss things I know good instead
I dont know ?
And I cant complain on bad luck.... I really got good chances to reach higher scores.

Anyway... Thanks Panda Thats kind words.
You also play good as usual

And my teammate chrysss is not a human here.
She must be a machine Awesome ...
ANd LeeranerJung--- What a good performance !!


Hey Panda... I say well done back to you

I never thought I could reach this kind of points in this sort of maps. SO thats good.
But Im also FRUSTRATED..... Because I can make around 95- 100 k with no errors at all. After that I make the most stupid mistakes that you can imagine !!!!
And I do it time after time... Its almost like its meant to be.
Its like my mind gets empty...I cant think straight when the yellow part of the time scale reach halfway.... Then Im out ....Sort of.


Thanks chrysss.
I will do a couple of more attempts this evening.
But I begin to get tired after about 3 hours on the map
But I will try more tomorrow.
As I can remember I had a bit over 100 k last time I played here !!
So I wont give up.


Thanks chrysss and bluesteel
Yes I been here before.
And I recognize many of the names.
So I hope to reach a bit higher when I played a couple of hours


Hey Challengers
I will try my best chrysss.
This mapform is difficult for me ...
chrysss -- Great score by the way
Good luck also to Ma 67 and Albi.
Goo greens !!


Great Lucas... Very impressive score !!!
Im was not surpriced at all when I recently opened the maps.
I will as Leeranerjung say have very hard to beat that

Thanks Panda.... But my french have limits
And sometimes I get very slow.
I need the right questions.
But I keep trying and hope for the best

Once again ...Congratulations to a fantastic score Lucas


sorry..I mean 4 points of course


Hmm. Thanks Lucasleslovene ...
But I was very lucky on that one.
The first time I played the game without any errors...
And now you are only 6 points after me

I believe that I will have very hard to do any better then that.
Some of the names are so long and similar and then its coming
to a language issue for me

But I will continue and try little later or tomorrow.
Right now I need a break
And I understand that I have do deal with a very strong opponant.
Its gonna be very hard to go to the semi finals for me
But I like the challenge


Dont worry... Your english is fine


Hello Challengers. This will be something trying to learn !! ohhh.

Good luck to all of you.
And specially to my dear opponant Lucasleslovene !


Thats very good Panda... Congratulations


Thanks Panda Little by little Piece by piece


Ohh. Thats good for you Kyz Congratulations.
Hmm... I will put some more energy to this map from this moment and see if I can reach any further.
I believe I already forgot what I learned yesterday lol


Hey Panda
Thats true. Quite difficult


Hello LeeranerJung... Thanks.
I say the same


Hey Panda ,,
I will try the map.
Always fun with maps I never tried before.


Congratulations to the final position chrysss and floflo


Thanks Panda !!
Congratulations ma 67 !!


Thanks Panda
Yes ma 67 ... We are close.
Good luck to both of you and Panda


Thanks Panda
Not easy... This damn cities in China destroy the party over and over
But I keep on trying ...


cousinhub >>>> Thank you very much for the info... I understand

Hey Panda Thank you.... I wish you the best of luck too.
You turtles will win this if you ask me Its called life experience I guess

Yes Mouska...Long time ago I saw any scores from you..
I also say as Leeranerjung did.. Nice to see that you still are around !!!
You are a rock in every game you play


One question >>>>>
How can I be number 24 through all times when Im not even close to top 25 this month ?????

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